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synchronized vs ReentrantLock


Feature synchronized ReentrantLock
Basic Concept Uses intrinsic lock (monitor) on objects. Uses an explicit lock from java.util.concurrent.locks.
Lock Acquisition Acquired implicitly when entering a synchronized block or method. Acquired explicitly via lock() method.
Release of Lock Automatically released when the thread exits the synchronized block or method. Must be explicitly released via unlock().
Reentrancy Supports reentrancy (same thread can acquire the same lock multiple times). Supports reentrancy just like synchronized.
Fairness Unfair by default (no control over thread access order). Can be fair or unfair (configurable with ReentrantLock(true)).
Interruptibility Cannot respond to interrupts while waiting for the lock. Supports interruptible locking via lockInterruptibly().
Try Locking Not supported. A thread will block indefinitely if the lock is not available. Supports tryLock() to attempt locking without blocking or with timeout.
Condition Variables Uses wait() / notify() / notifyAll() methods on the intrinsic lock. Supports multiple Condition objects for finer-grained wait/notify control.
Timeout Support Not supported. If the lock is held by another thread, it will wait indefinitely. Supports timeout locking with tryLock(long timeout, TimeUnit unit).
Performance Overhead Low for simple scenarios with little contention. Higher overhead but provides greater control over locking behavior.
Fair Locking Option Not supported (always unfair). Fair locking can be enabled with ReentrantLock(true).
Use in Non-blocking Operations Not possible. Possible with tryLock() (non-blocking).
Flexibility and Control Limited to synchronized methods or blocks. Greater flexibility: lock multiple sections, lock only part of a method, or use multiple conditions.
Suitability for Deadlock Avoidance Requires external logic to prevent deadlocks (acquire locks in the same order). Easier to prevent deadlocks using tryLock() and timeouts.
Memory Usage No additional memory overhead. Uses the object’s monitor. Requires additional memory for lock objects and lock metadata.
Readability and Simplicity Easier to read and maintain (especially for small, simple use cases). More complex code with explicit lock management.
Error Handling No need to manage lock release in a finally block. The lock is automatically released. Requires explicit unlock() in finally blocks to avoid deadlocks or memory leaks.
Thread Starvation Prone to thread starvation in high contention scenarios. Can prevent starvation using fair lock mode.
Recommended Use Case Best for simple synchronization needs where you don’t need advanced control. Recommended for complex concurrency scenarios needing fine-grained locking, fairness, tryLock, or interruptibility.

When to Use ?

Use synchronized Use ReentrantLock
When you need simple, block-level or method-level synchronization. When you need advanced control over locking behavior (e.g., tryLock, fairness, or interruptibility).
When you want automatic lock release (less error-prone). When you need multiple locks or condition variables.
When performance matters in low-contention scenarios (lower overhead). When dealing with high contention and you need fair scheduling to prevent starvation.
When you don't need non-blocking operations or timeouts. When you want non-blocking operations using tryLock() or timeout-based locking.
When the code needs to be simple and easy to read. When code complexity is acceptable for greater flexibility.


Both synchronized and ReentrantLock have their own strengths and use cases. Use synchronized for simpler, lower-level concurrency needs, and ReentrantLock when you need more control, fairness, or advanced features like non-blocking locking and condition variables.

In general: - synchronized is easier to use and less error-prone. - ReentrantLock is more powerful and flexible, but with more overhead and complexity.